Scope of annex
This annex covers frequency bands and regulatory as well as informative parameters recommended for Wideband Data Transmission Systems.

Frequency Band Power / Magnetic Field Spectrum access and mitigation requirements Modulation /occupied bandwidth ECC/ERC Deliverable Notes
a1 863MHz  -  868MHz
25 mW e.r.p. ≤ 10% duty cycle for network access points and polite spectrum access. ≤ 2.8% duty cycle otherwise and polite spectrum access > 600 kHz ≤ 1 MHz Wideband data transmission in data networks (note 1). The frequency band is also identified in Annexes 1, 2, 10 and 11
a2 915.8MHz  -  919.4MHz
25 mW e.r.p. ≤ 10% duty cycle for network access points and polite spectrum access. ≤ 2.8% duty cycle otherwise and polite spectrum access > 600 kHz ≤ 1 MHz Wideband data transmission in data networks (notes 1 and 2). All nomadic and mobile devices within the data network shall be controlled by a master network access point (NAP). The frequency band is also identified in Annexes 1, 2 and 11
b 2400MHz  -  2483.5MHz
100 mW e.i.r.p. Adequate spectrum sharing mechanism (e.g. LBT and DAA) shall be implemented Not specified For wideband modulations other than FHSS, the maximum e.i.r.p. density is limited to 10 mW/MHz
c3 57GHz  -  71GHz
55 dBm e.i.r.p., 38 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. density and transmit antenna gain ≥ 30 dBi Adequate spectrum sharing mechanism shall be implemented Not specified ECC Report 288 Applies only to fixed outdoor installations (note 3)
c2 57GHz  -  71GHz
40 dBm e.i.r.p., 23 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. density and maximum transmit power of 27 dBm at the antenna port or ports Adequate spectrum sharing mechanism shall be implemented Not specified ECC Report 288
c1 57GHz  -  71GHz
40 dBm e.i.r.p., 23 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. density Adequate spectrum sharing mechanism shall be implemented Not specified Fixed outdoor installations are not allowed.

Note 1 A network access point in a data network is a fixed terrestrial short range device that acts as a connection point for the other short range devices in the data network to service platforms located outside of that data network. The term data network refers to several short range devices, including the network access point, as network components and to the wireless connections between them.
Note 2 Usage may be limited such that installation and operation are performed only by professional users and individual authorisation may be required, e.g. to administer geographical sharing and/or the application of mitigation techniques to ensure protection of radio services.
Note 3 Some CEPT Administrations have an existing regulatory framework for the Fixed Service in 57-66 GHz and may implement a self-coordination mechanism similar to “light licensing” described in ECC Report 80.

Additional Information

Harmonised Standards
EN 304 220 (In development) sub-bands a1) and a2) EN 300 328 sub-band b) EN 302 567 (57-66 GHz) sub-band c1) To be defined sub-bands c2) and c3)

Technical parameters also referred to in the harmonised standard
No information

Frequency issues
Sub-band a1): The harmonised standard needs to define minimum requirements for the spectrum access protocol to lower the interference probability towards audio applications including ALD in 863-865 MHz, with a detection threshold requirement in line with ECC Report 261. Sub-band a2): Use of all or part of the sub-band a2) may be limited or not authorised for wideband data transmission systems in data networks in some countries where all or part of this sub-band is used for defence / governmental systems. Further, some countries use the sub-band 918-921 MHz as extended GSM-R frequency band; therefore geographical restrictions may apply. See Appendices 1 and 3 for national implementation concerning GSM-R and defence/governmental services.