API stands for Application Programming Interface which means that an application programmer will use this API when developing an application. It is a machine-to-machine interface and EFIS users can for example use the extracted information to automatically build up a website with the chosen content or use the data in their own database. This gives EFIS users the possibility to show and process the data according to their wishes. EFIS users have assistance from a user friendly API controller tool (or user interface client) in order to setup the syntax for their queries.
The API of EFIS is deployed to EFIS API Release 1.
The initial EFIS API set up can be used to export information from the EFIS about radio service allocations (incl. frequency band and allocation footnotes) and about radio applications. The used terminology, as defined in ECC Decision (01)03, annexes 1 and 2, can also be extracted. Users can select the region (i.e. country, ITU Region 1 or Europe) and decide whether they want the whole information or only for a specific defined frequency range.
An EFIS API description is found in Release 1 description.
It is planned to expand the API soon to include more information.